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Sermon Outline

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Being A Soul WinnerPtr. John Wynn
00:00 / 40:57
Title: "Being A Soul Winner"
Bible Reference: Acts 8:26-39
Speaker: Pastor John C. Wynn

Date: Sunday A.M., August 07, 2022

I. The person we must be:

A. One who is actively serving the Lord already: vs. 5, 14, 9-25

B. One who is guided by the Words of God: vs. 26

C. One who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit: 29-30


II.  The person that God has prepared.

A. The random type of this person

B.  The realistic question we must ask: "Understandest thou...?"

C. The religious confusion that him admitted to: vs. 31-34

D. The revealing and rejoicing moment of Philip: vs. 31-34


III. The preparedness of Philip revealed: vs. 35

A. He was ready to explain the Word.

B. He was ready to enforce the Word of God


IV. The powerful work of Christ is seen: vs. 36-38

V. The process of this in Philip's life continues: vs. 39, 40

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